Yesterday Steven,Wes, and I ventured out to Satans Garden, the falls on Little Uchee Creek. Steven has just bought his first creek boat, and having only been boating since this summer, hasn't had the opportunity to jump on ANY natural flow rivers. So given the first rain of the season coming through we went out, even if it was ELF flow.
Wes and i haven't made it out to the Uchee in quite some time, so needless to say i was a little off on the directions............But we finally made it just in time for some sundown park and huck.
I still haven't picke up my Wavesport Boats, so i was in my Jefe C1, and Steven in his Jefe kayak. Wes B took the photos, thanks bro.
anyway here they are.

And here is one of steven too.
Until nextime