Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2011 World Kayak Pro-Am Hometown Throwdown- USWWC

As most of you know the hometown throw down series of events put on by WorldKayak is a great series targeting ANYONE to come out and throw down in your white water boat. And while this event did in fact encourage that, it had a different undertone. This event, the Pro-Am, incorporates teaming up two "amateurs" with one "pro" for a few hours of instruction, followed by a freestyle competition as a team at "well hole", followed by a great boater cross race on the competition channel. 
And even better, all the proceeds go to benefit First Descents, a great organization that works with cancer patients allowing them to pursue their high adventure dreams/goals of boating, climbing, and more.

Check out www.firstdescents.org for more information.

This years event went great here was a great turn out of paddlers and spectators....and we all even managed to raise around $1700!  That is enough to send one person to camp for a whole week!  So HUGE thanks is in order to all of those whom showed and help put on the event; Jason and Samantha Miller, Chris Wing, and Pablo McCandless.....so THANKS GUYS.

Now here are some shots that where so graciously taken by my fiance Brittany, thanks again.

 Above: My pro-am team mate Chris

 Above: my other team mate Sean doing the double leg-out to show boat combo!
 Above Cory Volt showin the crowd how he does it

above: a few shots from the Comp channel and the boatercross race

And now some M-Wave shots....

Big thanks again for putting on this event to everyone that helped in any way!
-charlie simmons-

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Project X 56 at work: NOC hole on the Pigeon River

 What an awesome boat! Its a great all around boat, amazing at down river, and especially at what its made for: FREESTYLE. Ive made few recent trips over to the Peigeon river in western North Carolina, and while the river isn't exactly known for quality playspots, there is a "somewhat" new feture down at the NOC outpost that is pretty good. 
 Depending on the level of course its a pretty active hole, with "wavey" characteristics.  Ive been on days when it was nice a retentive, but ive also seen days where it wasn't quite so proactive.  Nonetheless a nice place to get wet in a great boat.

 This playspot has park a huck potential but, you can always run the river just the same to get to it. 
 It also harnesses the ability to go huge on traditional areial moves like loops, godzillas, etc..

Video highlights to come soon, thanks for stoppin by!
-Charlie Simmons-
Team WS